A number of years have gone by since she left us but not a day goes by when we don't think of her. Much more than that, it's as though she is somehow a part of us – I personally feel that what I am now is somehow a compound of us both. Because of this feeling I have left everything of hers as it was when she walked out of our small place for the last time. We used to always look around and say goodbye to our place each time we traveled, knowing that we might be here for the last time. So everything is just the same – her clothes, shrine, her teddy bears and things.
Sri Chinmoy once said that the secret of life is that there is no death – the undying soul simply moves on to its next experience. How often he tells us "she is alive, she is alive, she is helping you, inspiring you, urging you forward..." and this coupled with the actual feeling of her in our lives makes her living presence such a reality. And among her friends, so many dreams and visitations!
I once privately lamented to myself that I never have 'experiences' of Subarata but Sri Chinmoy said to me, as though reading my mind, "Do not look for her around you, she is inside you – she is in you, with you and for you." So these Subarata reminiscences and tales are not a memorial but a part of her ongoing life and her ongoing contribution and inspiration to our lives, too.
Subarata's Name...
The name Subarata was offered to her by Sri Chinmoy and means:
"The message soulful and perfect from the highest height
to inspire mankind."
In Brief...
A tribute to Subarata 's life and accomplishments.
Subarata was born in Waterford, Ireland and migrated to New Zealand in the mid 1970s. She was involved in every aspect of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in New Zealand – from humble beginnings in 1983 through to the present day. Even in her physical absence, Subarata's standards, her level of dedication and her inspiration are felt by everyone and remain a foundation stone for our Centres. Subarata had a tremendous love for and devotion to the spiritual life and her spiritual Master, Sri Chinmoy.
Some of Subarata's personal accomplishments...
- She arrived in Auckland, after spending three years in the Adelaide Sri Chinmoy Centre, on October 20th 1983, joining her Kiwi husband Jogyata to establish a meditation centre in New Zealand. She taught meditation to countless thousands of people around New Zealand and overseas, and encouraged and inspired thousands of people.
- Subarata and Jogyata established the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Dublin in March of 1998.
- Subarata appeared on television, radio and printed media to encourage people about meditation and spirituality.
- She founded the Hi-Fliers, a children's entertainment enterprise, which funded many projects and still exists today. (See: Send In The Clowns)
- In 1985 she finished the DB Ironman Triathlon in Auckland and was one of only two women finishers in her category, after racing in numerous smaller triathons. She finished a 24 hour race in 1987. She was a consistent place-getter in almost every 12 hour walk she entered.
- She ran in 3 x 700 mile races (1991, 1996 and 1998) completing the third one three hours before the thirteen day cut-off. She ran a 7 day race in May 1992 and completed 361 miles (see: Subarata's Run of Faith). She was ranked 2nd best ultra-marathoner of the 20th century in New Zealand by the New Zealand Ultra-Runners Association.
In the 45 years of Subarata's special life, she touched and inspired the lives of thousands of people and ignited a love of spirituality in everyone she met.
The name Subarata means "The Message soulful and perfect from the Heightest Height to inspire mankind." – and indeed Subarata's life could be summed up in those words. Each soul comes to earth to offer something unique to the world. Subarata offered inspiration wherever she went and touched the lives of many – not only within the Sri Chinmoy Centre and through meditation classes but also through many other activities and initiatives that she was involved with around the world. Below are links to articles by various people who have been inspired by her words and deeds over the years.